University College London
University College London
GeoBus is a free outreach programme run out of the Earth Science department of UCL. We aim to bring engaging, hands-on sessions to school students. Our workshops complement the curriculum, whilst giving a great insight into the breadth of Earth science as a subject. at University College London

GeoBus School Session: Arctic, Sea ice and Climate Change

University event offered by University College London

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Short Session  Delivered online

GeoBus is a free outreach programme run out of the Earth Science department of UCL. We aim to bring engaging, hands-on sessions to school students. Our workshops complement the curriculum, whilst giving a great insight into the breadth of Earth science as a subject.
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Suitable for
Events for School and College Groups (Ages 7-11)
Events for School and College Groups (Ages 11-14)
Events for School and College Groups (Ages 14-16)

Full event details

Arctic, Sea ice and Climate Change

Year groups: 7-11 (can be adapted to suit most ages) 
Max capacity per workshop: No limit
Set up time: 5 minutes
Running time: 45 minutes

Lesson objectives:

1. State the difference between climate and weather

2. Describe the composition of the atmosphere

3. Explain the greenhouse effect in terms of interaction of short and long

wavelength radiation

4. Explain the role of sea ice in maintaining the global temperature.

This workshop uses 3D glasses and 3D images to explore the Arctic climate.


What is a geoBus Virtual Workshop?…
They are 45-minute-long free interactive sessions featuring a GeoBus demonstrator live on screen (facilitated via a video call) and interactive activity kits which are posted to you ahead of time.

The GeoBus activity kits vary depending on the workshop you wish to run but many include 3D glasses, 3D pictures and models to construct, and can be kept by the students or disposed of at the end of the workshops. They also have the added advantage that we can run multiple workshops simultaneously with multiple classes joining the same video call.

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Available dates
Please contact us to arrange a date.
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Suitable for
Events for School and College Groups (Ages 7-11)
Events for School and College Groups (Ages 11-14)
Events for School and College Groups (Ages 14-16)
University College London

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