a group of people running and a book

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a group of people running and a book

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new Search Regional Representatives

Many universities employ regional school and college experts located throughout the UK. You will see a few examples below. Click the view all button to find your closest contacts.

Immy Langford

Student Recruitment Officer

Oxford Brookes University

Natalie Johnston

Student Recruitment Officer

University of Salford

Rowan Hoper

Student Recruitment Officer

University of Salford

Steven Joesbury

Schools and Colleges Liaison Manager

University of Lincoln

Huw Pritchard

Schools and Colleges Manager

University of Worcester

Selena Hill

Student Recruitment Officer

Oxford Brookes University

Isaac Logan

UK Student Recruitment Officer (Midlands)

Oxford Brookes University

Niamh Lewis

South West & Wales - Student Recruitment Officer

Oxford Brookes University

Lois Barlow

Schools and Colleges Liaison Manager (Midlands)

University of Central Lancashire

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