Universities are ideal environments to bring
together a blend of people from different
backgrounds, with variety in the personal
characteristics that shape us, our motivations,
experiences, and values.
The student community is undoubtedly more
diverse than students entering that space are
accustomed to. This is an opportunity not
afforded in many social groups or workspaces
and is one for students to benefit from.
Interacting with people different to ourselves is
important to support our own personal growth
through a wider understanding of the world and
helps us relate to the communities in which we
expect to work.
Misunderstandings about groups of people
who are different to us can lead to unnecessary
hostility and anxiety. By exploring why students
might feel nervous, uncomfortable, or safe
around certain people can tell us a lot about
how these biases have formed.
At university, students can expect to meet,
study, and socialise with people of many
different characteristics. These include
different disabilities, ethnicities, religions,
sexual orientations, and gender identities. This
offers fantastic potential for their learning, not
only in the diversity of thought from their peers,
but also in their own understanding of society,
privilege, and inequality. The more interactions
that occur will help to change preconceptions
and stereotypes. Students can also use this
learning to challenge negative associations and
see others as individuals and potential friends.
Another benefit to this unique environment is
that it facilitates students to expand their social
and professional network to include a broader
range of people. This exposure to diverse
thinking, cultural awareness and equality will
directly benefit them by enhancing social and
structural inclusion, whatever their future career
aspirations. Through this personal growth, they
can have a positive impact on the world.
Students can also use this opportunity
to become more mindful of barriers and
inequalities faced by their peers by considering
who is underrepresented and how their journey
to higher education differs. This may be the first
time they have needed to consider additional
factors such as venue accessibility, safety
concerns of particular groups, or religious
This is also an opportunity for students to
showcase aspects of their own personal
attributes and celebrate themselves in a
more authentic way than they may have been
supported to do previously. By realising the
lived experiences of others, we can help create
a culture of inclusion and support each other to
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