Depending on your choice of media, you would
be forgiven for thinking university subject
choices these days are less about doing it for
the love, more about the money.
Information about graduate outcomes has
always been published but it has a lot more clout
these days. Alongside the familiarities of course
completion rates, degree outcomes and the
numbers going on to occupy graduate roles, we
can now explore detail about earning potential
for up to ten years after the course ends.
It is powerful stuff, and it has a name, LEO
(Longitudinal Education Outcomes). It links
education data to HMRC records, and it is
helping to stoke the continued debate about the
value of higher education. It also helps to cut
through a lot of the hyperbole.
Dig into the data and students will find trends
like the sort of salaries to aspire towards after
graduation. Very broadly, we are dealing with
averages (sorry, median ranges) with outcomes
influenced by the choice of degree subject,
where it is studied, and which part of the UK the
graduate goes on to settle down in.
I’m sure none of that comes as a big surprise
to any teacher or careers advisor, let alone a
dancer or a nuclear physicist to come to that.
What a pity that LEO data is often dumbed
down to soundbites in the media. Our shared
experiences of the last three years only
demonstrate that now, more than ever, young
people need conversations and context.
Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) that is
personalised and tailored.
There are so many competing internet sources
of IAG, arguably more platforms than in Elton
John’s shoe collection! Websites such as
Discover Uni (formerly Unistats) can be easily
overlooked. Owned by the Office for Students, it
is tactile, easy to navigate, and gives the would-be UCAS applicant a chance to compare rival
courses against one another, across a range of
factors. All of which is informed by public data
sources and clean of marketing.
At Greater Manchester Higher, we have
introduced sources of LEO data to support
our IAG around student finance. It helps us to
nurture conversations as well as tackling some
of the continued misnomers around loans,
repayments, and the question, is university
worth it?
It also allows us to encourage young people to
stick with the tried-and-trusted science behind
the choice of degree subject. Always lead with
where the appetite and passion for a subject
lies, then introduce graduate outcomes to
support the thinking. Do not flip that advice.
Because the benefits of going to university
are, and remain, wide-ranging and potentially
transformative for the individual, as well as to
the economy and society.
Get those UCAS choices right and it is hard to
put a value on that.
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