The targeting of outreach activity has been a topic of conversation and debate for as long as outreach has existed. Should we work with all students or should we target?
The Office for Students have often favoured
a targeted approach, with many Access and
Participation Plans identifying key student
groups, as well as programmes like Uni
Connect focusing on a specific demographic.
This targeting is designed to help reduce
differences in progression to higher education
based on socio-economic differences or
student demographics.
The differing experiences in the education
system, and society more generally, are leading
to certain student groups progressing at
significantly higher rates than others. Across
all English higher education providers over 30%
of entrants in 2019-20 were from areas of the
country with the highest progression rates,
compared to 12% from those with the lowest.
The rate of progression to higher education
for those with experience of the care system
has been reported as low as 6%. The gaps in
progression rates have been largely stable for a
number of years.
Gaps in progression rates still exist when you
compare students with similar grades but
varying socio-economic backgrounds. Many
of these groups of targeted students face
significant challenges in their day to day lives whether that is estranged students, those with
a disability or students from areas of high
There are a variety of student groups each
with unique challenges and the research into
how this affects their progression to higher
education continues to grow. Whilst this
research base increases, it is important that we
do all we can to try to reduce these gaps and
level the playing field as much as we can.
By restricting activity to certain groups of
students we are trying to reduce inequality
of access to information. By allowing all
students to benefit from activity we slow, or
eradicate, the intended effect of reducing the
gaps within student groups. This is especially
important for high cost or limited capacity
events, by prioritising those groups with lower
progression we aim to reduce the disparity that
has been caused by other external factors.
Many of the student groups that are often
targeted may have barriers to accessing
information, if you are the first in your family
to go to university then you will have less
exposure to it. Those from areas of low
progression will not see as many role models
in their community who have progressed to
university and succeeded. These factors can
often be confounded by headlines in the press,
especially around factors such as student
finance or career prospects. This is why many
programmes will seek to work with parents and
carers as well to help myth bust some common
misconceptions about university.
In an ideal world there would be no need for
targeted activity or widening access work as
all students would have the information to
make an informed choice. Unfortunately we
are not there yet, targeting will continue to be
an element of widening access work to try and
help all students access the information that
they need to make informed decisions.
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