University of London
University of London
An in-person taster course at our London campus, to introduce students to the Institute in Paris and to critical perspectives on human rights frameworks. at University of London

University of London Institute in Paris Taster Course: BA International Politics

University event offered by University of London


Short Session

An in-person taster course at our London campus, to introduce students to the Institute in Paris and to critical perspectives on human rights frameworks.
Suitable for
Events for individuals (enquiry not required to be through a school)

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Full event details

Human Rights: Theory and Practice

Philosophers and lawyers argue amongst themselves about how real human rights (freedom from torture?) can be distinguished from fake ones (a right to the internet?). However, this debate is also a political one. Human rights frameworks are often criticised as being ‘ideals’ detached from reality, but in fact these ideals have been shaped by real political struggles. This taster course illustrates the real-world underpinnings and effects of these apparently theoretical debates and introduces students to critical perspectives on human rights frameworks.

Event schedule:

2.15-2.30pm - International Politics Registration

2.30-3.00pm - Introduction to the Institute in Paris

3.00-3.45pm - International Politics Taster Course

3.45-5.00pm - Tea, Coffee and Pastries

Suitable for Year 12 Students, Anyone who is thinking of starting their undergraduate studies in September 2024 or September 2025.

Suitable for
Events for individuals (enquiry not required to be through a school)
University of London

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