Leeds Trinity University
Leeds Trinity University
Thinking of applying to Leeds Trinity University? Get personalised feedback on your UCAS personal statement from our Schools & Colleges Engagement Team. at Leeds Trinity University

Personal Statement Feedback

University event offered by Leeds Trinity University

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Thinking of applying to Leeds Trinity University? Get personalised feedback on your UCAS personal statement from our Schools & Colleges Engagement Team.
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Suitable for
Events for individuals (enquiry not required to be through a school)

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This feedback will be based around your personal statement’s structure, spelling, punctuation & grammar and relevance to the course.

Fill out the form and upload your personal statement via the link below, in a Microsoft Word Document to allow the team to be able to edit it. Please do not submit any other documentation as this cannot be checked. N.B. the team will only be able to provide feedback on one draft of your statement.

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Available dates
Please contact us to arrange a date.
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Suitable for
Events for individuals (enquiry not required to be through a school)
Leeds Trinity University

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