City, University of London
City, University of London
Find out how City's 100 years of experience in delivering courses in engineering can help you embark on an exciting career in engineering and hear what successful positions our graduates hold around the world now. at City, University of London

Taster Day: Aeronautical Engineering

University event offered by City, University of London


Full Day

Find out how City's 100 years of experience in delivering courses in engineering can help you embark on an exciting career in engineering and hear what successful positions our graduates hold around the world now.
Suitable for
Events for School and College Groups (Ages 16-18)
Events for individuals (enquiry not required to be through a school)
Teachers (CPD)

Apologies, it seems this event listing is in the past.

Click here to search our database of all current events.

Full event details

Find out how City's 100 years of experience in delivering courses in engineering can help you embark on an exciting career in engineering and hear what successful positions our graduates hold around the world now. Take a tour around our extensive laboratory facilities and get involved in fun activities - such as designing and testing a control system for an Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV), building a model suspension bridge, or taking a ride in our Airbus flight simulator. Meet the City Racing Team and see the energy-efficient Formula Student racing car they are building - or maybe take a look at a piece of the Apollo 15 Rocket given to us as a gift from the astronauts after landing on the moon!

Applications and further details for all taster courses taking place in 2013 will be available from 11am on Thursday 10 January 2013.

To book your place please visit

Suitable for
Events for School and College Groups (Ages 16-18)
Events for individuals (enquiry not required to be through a school)
Teachers (CPD)
City, University of London

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