Connect Tool

Signpost to events with the UniTasterDays Connect event listing tool

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You can enjoy the benefits of our technology with an event listing tool embedded into your own university or network website. This will signpost to your events - or in the case of higher education networks, the events of your member institutions.

What is it?

The event listing tool will seamlessly fit into your own site, and will automatically display all your events added to It is locked to only show your events, and not those of your competitors.

The tool is currently in use throughout the sector, by Uni Connect networks including including Aimhigher West Midlands, Higher Horizons and Outreach North East.

But better still:

  • It’s designed to suit your website design, it’s mobile optimised and it’s secure site friendly.
  • It’s ready in minutes, and you don’t need to be web savvy (although our developers are on hand to help if required).
  • We send you some code to copy and paste on a webpage, and away you go - everything then happens instantaneously!
  • Unlimited colleagues across your institution can add events too! When a new event is added, it automatically populates your listing tool – with real time updates.

Find out more

Free trial and a no obligation demonstration is available. Please contact us to arrange this:

Call: 01746 769269 or
Email: [email protected]