Think Higher

Institution Profile

Uni Connect is a centrally funded collaborative outreach programme funded by the Department for Education, via the Office for Students (OfS). ThinkHigher is one of the 29 Uni Connect partnerships providing collaborative outreach for Coventry, Warwickshire and Hinckley.

Our aim is to support the Government's objective of ‘widening participation’ by improving equality of opportunity for underrepresented students to access higher education. We’ve been working since 2017 to provide completely impartial advice and guidance to support local young people to make the best next step for them and you may have seen us in your school or college previously.

Whilst signposting you to opportunities in your area at local providers, we also run our own bespoke projects including a student lounge in Nuneaton every Wednesday, a Rainbow project for LGBTQIA+ students, Women in Computer Science, a reading project titled ‘Next Chapter’, plus loads more. If you’re not sure how we can help you, get in touch today and we’d love to see how we can support.

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Recognising the potential in all, supporting everyone to recognise it in themselves and encouraging everyone to set goals and achieve their aspirations.