Education, teaching, nursing, paramedic practice, literature, language, linguistics, media, film and screen studies, social sciences, criminology, politics and psychology
Falmer campus, Brighton
14 June 2013
Suitable for
Events for School and College Groups (Ages 16-18)
Events for individuals (enquiry not required to be through a school)
Teachers (CPD)
Full event details
RegistrationAll registration is in the Checkland Building Foyer and registration times are:
Primary Education and BA Education: 9.30-10am
PGCE Courses: 1.30-2pm
Nursing and Paramedic Practice: 11-11.30am
School of Applied Social Science: 12-12.30pm
School of Humanities: 1-1.30pm
Introductory talksStudying at the University of Brighton will be an investment in your future and this talk will highlight the strength of the student experience at this university. The talk will give you details of student support and provide information about student funding and accommodation options in Brighton.
School of Education - 10am, Asa Briggs Theatre
Nursing and Paramedic Practice - 11.30am, Westlain 100
School of Applied Social Science - 12.30pm, Westlain 100
School of Humanities - 1.30pm, Asa Briggs Theatre
Campus toursFollowing the introductory talk, look out for our student ambassadors. They will be dressed in bright blue t-shirts and will give you a guided tour of the campus and facilities.
Subject specific talksSubject talks: subject areas will also offer a talk outlining course content and structure, placement and career opportunities and admissions criteria. Times for subject talks are:
School of Education, (Primary Education and BA Education) Asa Briggs Theatre, 12pm
PGCE courses, Room A500 Checkland Building, 2pm
Paramedic Practice, Checkland Building Room 218, 1.30pm
Nursing, Westlain 100, 1.30pm
School of Applied Social Sciences, Asa Briggs Theatre 2.30pm
English Literature, Asa Briggs 3.30pm
Joint degrees: Language, Literature, Linguistics, Media - Checkland Building Room 218, 3.30pm
Film and Screen Studies, Checkland Building Room A501, 3.30pm
Campus map and directionsSee a map and directions to the Falmer campus