Inspiring Futures
Inspiring Futures
Are you thinking about getting a job in media? Want to create the next T4 / Skins or X Factor? Maybe you want to direct films, produce TV programmes or write scripts? Join us at this Event for a fantastic day exploring the range of opportunities within the media industry. at Inspiring Futures

TV & Film production insight event

University event offered by Inspiring Futures


Full Day

Are you thinking about getting a job in media? Want to create the next T4 / Skins or X Factor? Maybe you want to direct films, produce TV programmes or write scripts? Join us at this Event for a fantastic day exploring the range of opportunities within the media industry.
Suitable for
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 5 (Students aged 16-18)
Individuals (Enquiry not required to be through a school)

Apologies, it seems this event listing is in the past.

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Full event details

Explore creative roles, production, support services and management career opportunities.

Understand all the opportunities a career in this area could bring – salary, work/life balance, working abroad, qualification routes, required skills, jobs in demand.
Chat with leading professionals and discuss ideas about how to succeed in this career area.

Learn about work experience opportunities and how to boost your CV.

This event is taking place at the Londond Film Academy, for more details and to book visit:

Suitable for
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 5 (Students aged 16-18)
Individuals (Enquiry not required to be through a school)