Travel expenses

Escape Studios



Escape Studios is offering travel expense reimbursement to eligible UK-based students for attending open days.

If you meet any of the criteria below, we’ll cover your travel expenses. We can only reimburse travel costs of UK-based students attending undergraduate open days or applicant days. 

Are you eligible?

  • You’re currently in care, or have experience of being in care since 16th birthday. We need a letter from a social worker confirming your care status.
  • You’re entitled to free school meals*  
    We need a letter from school confirming free school meals eligibility, or a letter confirming you or your parent/carer receives certain benefits.
  • Household income less than £25,000 (pre-tax)  
    We need most recent P60 or most recent three-months of wage slips of both parents or carers, or confirmation of receipt of income-related benefits. If you’re aged 25+, evidence should relate to your own earnings.
  • POLAR4 Q1**  
    Your home address postcode can be checked using an online tool, using latest POLAR definition (POLAR 4). 

*It doesn’t matter if you don’t use free school meals - we just need to know you’re entitled to them.

**POLAR4 is a system which shows how many people from your area attend higher education. If you live in an area which is in quintile 1 (where the least people attend higher education), you can claim travel support. You can check this by entering your postcode here. The first number on the left is your quintile. 

Who is the incentive for?

Students considering university

What does the incentive cover?

Boat travel, Bus travel, Car travel, Coach travel & Rail travel

Incentives are created, managed, and awarded by each university or education provider. The incentives may have eligibility criteria, an application process, deadlines, or additional terms and conditions. For the latest incentive information, please visit the university or education provider's website or contact them directly.

Find out more

Send a message to Escape Studios to find out more about this event incentive.

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