Image of a table, with phone, pad and laptop on display

by Jon Cheek


posted on 15 Jan '24

Write for us - the Parents' Guide to University 2024

As a parent or guardian guiding a prospective university student, the world of universities can be understandably overwhelming. Our Parents’ Guide aims to help parents to explore all the essential information about universities so they can empower their child to make informed decisions that pave the way for their future.

To support this, in addition to providing an online platform to support schools to find university events through, UniTasterDays also provide additional key sources of information, including hosting The Uni Guide Podcast, On Demand Video Platform.

Interested in contributing to The Parents' Guide? The editorial guidelines:

Five Key Guidelines

Please ensure text provided is:

1. Under 550 words in length and independent and impartial in tone.

2. Written for parents of children who are considering university as the core audience, not directly teachers or students.

3. Your own unique content in your own style – which has not been used anywhere else. Please no Chat GPT!

4. Acronym and jargon free.

5. Concise and well structured (avoiding long paragraphs).

What can you write about?

We have put together an editorial call list below. Content for these areas would be welcome, although this is not an exhaustive list. The best topics will be things you will be aware of in your day-to-day role – which is where the information gaps will be.

This list will be updated, and topics removed as content is assigned to an author.

This list is not prescriptive - suggestions very welcome!

Last few remaining editorial topics...

Fact or fiction - uni myth busting

Thinking of studying in Scotland - all you need to know

A guide to studying the arts

Supporting students with special educational needs and disabilities

Interested, what is next?

The next step is to get in touch and check the topic is still available so this can be allocated to you. We'll keep the list here as up to date as possible to help there by marking topics snapped up in bold. Then you just need to supply your content. Please send up to 550 words in Word format to by Friday 17 May 2024. With your submission, please include your name as you wish for this to appear, your job title, and if possible, an image of you, to be used in a small author profile if this is used for a blog too.

We will always acknowledge all content. If your email is not acknowledged within seven days, please do re-send this, or drop us a line to check we have received it.

Finally - some FAQ's

We will add to this list as questions come in:

Is there any charge?

No - we don't pay for content, or charge for providing the platform to provide it. You just need to be a UniTasterDays member institution. Which is the vast majority of universities - the member list is HERE. If you would like to book a full page advert alongside your editorial, we have limited spaces available - but that is optional. Adverts are £500 + VAT. The spec for adverts is 148mm (width) x 210mm (height). No bleed is required. This is an electronic publication.

Will my institution be mentioned?

Yes, the editorial will be from you as a member of staff at your institution. You can also refer to your role in the text, although we ask this not to be in a promotional context - keeping the content as impartial as possible.

Will I have final sign off?

Yes! Although we don’t expect to make major changes to your content – unless our copywriter needs to amend to complement other topics which we feature in the Guide. You will have sign off before anything is used externally.

What is in it for me?

The reason for you contributing is probably a combination of an interest in writing, a willingness to support students with higher education guidance, a desire to build your profile and an interest to build your institutions profile.

Do you offer advertising opportunities in the Parents' Guide?

We do offer a limited number of advert slots, to support the cost of the publication. Please contact Helen Robinson for more information ( You don’t need to book an advert for your piece to be used.