Aimhigher West Midlands
Aimhigher West Midlands
Innovation Fest is a fantastic opportunity for BCU staff and students to showcase work, much of it having a profound effect on the world we live in. Attending Innovation Fest can be an enriching experience, offering a front-row seat to the latest advances in various disciplines and fostering networking opportunities. at Aimhigher West Midlands

Innovation Fest 2024

University event offered by Aimhigher West Midlands

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Half Day  Delivered at Aimhigher West Midlands

Innovation Fest is a fantastic opportunity for BCU staff and students to showcase work, much of it having a profound effect on the world we live in. Attending Innovation Fest can be an enriching experience, offering a front-row seat to the latest advances in various disciplines and fostering networking opportunities.
Available dates
Please contact us to arrange a date.
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Suitable for
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 4 (Students aged 14-16)
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 5 (Students aged 16-18)

PLEASE NOTE: This event is only available to certain school and colleges

If this event displayed as part of your search results - it will be targeted at your institution. If you have been forwarded this event link, it may not be.

To check if your school qualifies, click here, find your school by name and then search for this event. If this event is not listed, your school is unlikely to be eligible for it.

Full event details

Innovation Fest allows BCU staff and students to present their projects, ideas, and innovations to a wider audience. It provides a chance to demonstrate the impact their work has on the world, fostering recognition and collaboration opportunities.

Recent advances: By attending Innovation Fest, you'll have the opportunity to stay up to date with the latest developments in Computing, Engineering, and the Built Environment. This can be particularly beneficial for students looking to explore cutting-edge technologies and trends.

Testing creations: The event provides a hands-on experience, allowing attendees to interact with and test out the creations and innovations on display. 

Expert discussions: Innovation Fest offers the chance to engage in discussions with expert academics who are knowledgeable in their respective fields. 

Campus tour: The event also includes a student ambassador-led tour, providing an opportunity to explore the BCU campus. This can be particularly beneficial for prospective students or those interested in familiarizing themselves with the facilities, labs, and infrastructure available at the university. 

Week in May 2024, TBC

Year Group(s):


Gatsby Benchmarks:

2, 4, 5, 7

Learning Objectives (Linked to the Aimhigher Plus Progression Framework Learning Outcomes):

(AS 3.1) Feel motivated and confident to succeed in school

(At 3.1) Recognise the importance of succeeding at school

(At 3.2) Recognise that GCSE and post 16 qualifications are required to access HE

(Aw 4.1) Recognise how post 16 choices impact on future progression

(Aw 4.2) Understand the necessity of HE for progression to certain careers

(Ac 4.2) Recognition of the opportunities that may arise from attending HE  

(Aw 5.1) Recognise the skills and qualifications required for chosen HE pathway

(Aw 5.3) Identify the potential career options following participation in HE

Places Available:


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Available dates
Please contact us to arrange a date.
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Suitable for
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 4 (Students aged 14-16)
Bookings by Teachers for Key Stage 5 (Students aged 16-18)
Aimhigher West Midlands

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